Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Big City

I recently moved to the big city (Chicago), and somehow, SOME WAY, not one person has asked me how tall I am. I realized this today, and was pleasantly shocked. When I lived in rural Indiana, someone asked me this question every time I showed my face in public.

So, what factors are at work here? It could be that:

1) people are much less friendly here. I hate this about cities and make it a point to be obnoxiously nice to anyone who holds a door open for me/serves me food/glances in my general direction.

2) people don't notice my height. (not likely: the times I look tallest are when i am standing in a crowd and my head sticks out like a ping pong ball in a punchbowl)

3) i am shrinking? (it's true, i haven't been measured recently. only the doctors office this summer where the "incident" occured:

4) i can't remember what 4 is

All signs point to #1. I think this means that instead of finding a real job, I will start a non-profit called, "Nicen-Up Chicago." Stay tuned for my action plan.

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